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Liturgical Ministries
“We are Christians because through the Christian community we have met Jesus Christ, heard His Word in invitation, and responded to Him in faith. We gather at Mass that we may hear and express our faith again in this assembly and, by expressing it, renew and deepen it.
We are celebrating when we involve ourselves meaningfully in the thoughts, words, songs, and gestures of the worshipping community – when everything we do is wholehearted and authentic for us.
Faith grows when it is well expressed in celebration. Good celebrations foster and nourish faith. Poor celebrations weaken and destroy it.”
–Music in Catholic Worship, The Bishops’ Committee on the Liturgy, #1, 3 and 6
Our Worship Ministries here at ST. MARK are vibrant and active. From the varied sounds of the nine different choirs, to the beautifully arranged fresh flowers on the altar; from the welcoming of our ushers and the skilled proclamation of God’s word by our lectors, to the dedication of our altar servers and the care of our extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, one can sense the depth of faith in our worship. Resting on the foundation laid by our four previous pastors, and under the leadership of present pastor Father Pat Holroyd, we strive to grow closer to Christ through our worship.
I invite you to explore these pages and consider joining one of our Liturgical or Music Ministries.
–Laura Cooman, Director of Liturgy and Music
We are a group of men and women who greet parishioners as they enter Mass, hand out songsheets, find seats for latecomers, take up the collection, lead the assembly to communion, and attend to any emergency that may happen during Mass. Some of us also help out at funerals and special holy days.
Talents/Gifts Required
You should have a warm, welcoming love for all God’s people. The ability to be calm in the event of an emergency or illness is desirable.
Time Commitment and Training
Ushers serve on an “even” or “odd” team, serving every other month for the entire month. Experienced ushers on your assigned team will welcome you and train you individually, including safety procedures for our church.
Usher dress is: gray slacks/skirt, white shirt, blue blazer, and red tie/scarf.
There is a Liturgy Day of Reflection every other spring for all liturgical ministers.
How to Join
Contact Laura Cooman in the Worship Office for more information: 703-766-3423 or email
We are a group of men and women who proclaim the Word of God at our weekend Masses, baptism liturgies, Holy Day Masses, and other devotionals such as Advent Festival of Lessons and Carols, Lenten Stations of the Cross and Taize Prayer.
Talents/Gifts Required
You should have the ability to speak clearly and project your voice. You should have, or be open to developing, a deep love of Scripture.
Time Commitment and Training
Lectors are scheduled to read approximately twice a month at a Mass, but may read more often by helping to substitute.
Lectors are trained on an individual basis as needed. There is a Lector Workshop once a year, usually in the fall. This provides a time of formation, discussion, and prayer, as well as an opportunity for instruction and practice at the ambo.
There is a Liturgy Day of Reflection every other spring for all liturgical ministers.
How to Join
Contact Laura Cooman in the Worship Office for more information: 703-766-3423 or email
We are a group of men and women who assist our Pastor in distributing Holy Communion at Mass.
Talents/Gifts Required
You should be comfortable standing up in public and offering the host to the faithful both on the tongue and in the hand. You should have a deep love of and reverence for the Eucharist. You must be at least 21 years old and a Catholic in good standing.
Time Commitment and Training
Eucharistic Ministers serve on an “even” or “odd” team, serving every other month for the entire month.
An initial diocesan training session is required. Training sessions occur throughout the year at various parishes in the diocese. Once this training is completed, Eucharistic Ministers are trained at ST. MARK on our parish policies and procedures. This training is provided on an individual basis as needed.
All new Eucharistic Ministers are publicly commissioned at a Mass of their choosing on the weekend of the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ.
There is a Liturgy Day of Reflection every other spring for all liturgical ministers.
How to Join
Contact Laura Cooman in the Worship Office for more information: 703-766-3423 or email
We are a group of girls and boys, fourth grade through high school seniors, who assist at Mass as candle bearer, crucifer, and thurifer. We also welcome the assistance of any servers who are currently in college and home for the holidays.
Talents/Gifts Required
You should be able to memorize the various duties/actions required, and have the ability to sit still and focus during Mass.
You should be able to arrive 15 minutes prior to the beginning of Mass in order to check in with the Liturgy Coordinator and put on your robe/cincture.
Time Commitment and Training
Altar Servers usually serve at least once a month, but can serve more or less frequently as desired. In addition to normal weekend Masses, you should expect to serve on Holy Day Masses, some federal holiday Masses (Thanksgiving), and other special events.
Altar Servers are trained on an individual basis as needed.
There is a Liturgy Day of Reflection every other spring for all liturgical ministers.
How to Join
Contact Laura Cooman in the Worship Office for more information: 703-766-3423 or email
We are a group of men and women who act as Prayer Leaders, Assistants, and Song Leaders at our special Children’s Liturgy of the Word services. These services are in the Chapel during our 11:00 am Mass and accommodate children in kindergarten through 6th grade.
Talents/Gifts Required
Prayer Leaders should be able to work creatively with children, helping them explore the readings of the day at their own level of understanding.
Assistants should be able to help children to be calm and focus on the readings and discussions.
Song Leaders should be able to lead the children a cappella in a Responsorial Psalm and a Gospel Alleluia.
Time Commitment and Training
Children’s Liturgy of the Word follows the RE calendar during the school year. It usually occurs 2-3 times a month, always at the 11:00 am Mass, though volunteers are able to commit to various Sundays as desired. Volunteers must be VIRTUS compliant or be willing to become certified.
Volunteers are trained on an individual basis as needed.
There is a Liturgy Day of Reflection every other spring for all liturgical ministers.
How to Join
Contact Laura Cooman in the Worship Office for more information: 703-766-3423 or email
We are a group of men and women who assist in setting up the sanctuary and preparing for Mass. Our ministry is “back-stage, behind the scenes” preparation. We greet and assist visiting priests, and recruit last-minute lectors and altar servers when necessary.
Talents/Gifts Required
You should have a mind for detail.
Time Commitment and Training
Liturgy Coordinators assist with one particular Mass time on a rotating monthly basis. They help for the entire month and then take 1-2 months off.
Liturgy Coordinators are trained on an individual basis as needed. There are specific instruction lists in the Sacristy for each Mass.
There is a Liturgy Day of Reflection every other spring for all liturgical ministers.
How to Join
Contact Laura Cooman in the Worship Office for more information: 703-766-3423 or email
We are a group of men and women with vision, talent, and liturgical sensitivity, established by one of our previous pastors, Msgr. Tom Cassidy. We prepare the church environment for the liturgies of Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, and Ordinary Time.
Talents/Gifts Required
Artistic talents such as flower arranging, photography, design, sewing, and carpentry are appreciated, but not required. Also needed are strong men and women to lift heavy objects, as many decorations and projects require an elaborate setup.
Time Commitment and Training
Volunteers are part of a larger team which holds monthly meetings on Tuesday evenings in the lower level of the church.
Volunteers are trained on an individual basis as needed.
There is a Liturgy Day of Reflection every other spring for all liturgical ministers.
How to Join
Contact Laura Cooman in the Worship Office for more information: 703-766-3423 or email
We are a group of men and women who gather twice a year to plan Advent, Christmas, Lent, Triduum and Easter liturgies. We evaluate our plans and liturgies after each liturgical season, and strive to “have the intuition of a saint” (Bernard Lonergan) in determining what will help our parishioners to pray better.
Talents/Gifts Required
You should have an interest in the liturgical seasons of the Church.
Time Commitment and Training
Two yearly meetings, one in October and one in February. There is no training necessary.
There is a Liturgy Day of Reflection every other spring for all liturgical ministers.
How to Join
Contact Laura Cooman in the Worship Office for more information: 703-766-3423 or email
We are a group of women and men who care for the parish altar linens by doing the sacred wash and ironing. We pick up the used linens on the weekend after all the Masses, wash and iron them, and return them to the sacristy during the week.
Talents/Gifts Required
You should be comfortable with doing laundry and ironing.
Time Commitment and Training
Volunteers serve on an “even” or “odd” team, serving every other month for the entire month. Linens are picked up once a week during the assigned month.
Volunteers are trained on an individual basis as needed.
There is a Liturgy Day of Reflection every other spring for all liturgical ministers.
How to Join
Contact Laura Cooman in the Worship Office for more information: 703-766-3423 or email
We are a group of men and women who clean and prepare the altar candles in the church and the chapel for Masses, weddings, funerals, and various holy days.
Talents/Gifts Required
You should have an eye for detail and a willingness to learn to care for the candles.
Time Commitment and Training
Volunteers commit to cleaning the candles once a month. Cleaning usually takes about one hour.
Volunteers are trained on an individual basis as needed.
There is a Liturgy Day of Reflection every other spring for all liturgical ministers.
How to Join
Contact Laura Cooman in the Worship Office for more information: 703-766-3423 or email
We are a group of women and men who volunteer to help everything go smoothly for the bride and groom on their wedding day.
Talents/Gifts Required
You should have a mind for detail, and a willing and patient spirit.
Time Commitment and Training
Time commitment is per wedding; there are only a few (2-4) weddings at ST. MARK each year.
Volunteers are trained on an individual basis as needed.
There is a Liturgy Day of Reflection every other spring for all liturgical ministers.
How to Join
Contact Laura Cooman in the Worship Office for more information: 703-766-3423 or email
Music Ministries
Our large, active music ministry at ST. MARK consists of nine choirs. We seldom have a Mass whose singing isn’t supported by at least one of our choirs. All choir members constantly strive to deepen their faith as expressed in song, and to lead our assemblies closer to Christ through sung prayer.
Each choir is always open to new members, who are welcomed enthusiastically. Please explore this site and contact one of our choir directors to sign up.
– Laura Cooman, Director of Liturgy and Music
“One cannot find anything more religious and more joyful in sacred celebrations than a whole congregation expressing its faith and devotion in song. Therefore the active participation of the whole people, which is shown in singing, is to be carefully promoted.”
–Vatican II, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, #16
“Those who sing, pray twice.”
– St. Augustine
We are a large group of singers and instrumentalists who lead the congregation in song most Saturdays at our 5:30 pm Mass. We lead the congregation in singing a mix of contemporary, folk and traditional Catholic songs and hymns. Our SATB choir is supported by piano, organ, guitar, bass, flute, trumpet, trombone, clarinet, and saxophone.
Our Rehearsals
We rehearse each Saturday beginning at 4:15 pm in the choir room.
It isn’t necessary to commit to every single week; some of our members come once or twice a month.
Talents/Gifts Required
The ability to sight-sing is desirable, but not necessary. Many of our singers sing very well “by ear.” A love of liturgical music, plus a warm heart and an ability to have fun, are welcome.
How to Join
Contact Laura Cooman in the Worship Office for more information: 703-766-3423 or email
We are an SATB adult choir who lead the congregation in song most Sundays at our 9:00 am Mass. We sing challenging SATB music from the classic sacred choral repertoire, and support congregational singing with harmonies and descants. Our instrumental accompaniment is organ and piano.
Our Rehearsals
We rehearse every other Tuesday evening from 7:30–9:00 pm in the choir room.
Talents/Gifts Required
The ability to sight-sing is desirable, but not necessary.
How to Join
Contact Laura Cooman in the Worship Office for more information: 703-766-3423 or email
We are a contemporary adult folk choir who lead the congregation in song most Sundays at our 11:00 am Mass. Our singers sing SAT or SATB music, accompanied by piano, organ, guitar, bass, mandolin, violin, flute, and percussion. Our style is lively, warm and inviting.
Our Rehearsals
We rehearse some Wednesday evenings from 7:30–9:00 pm in the choir room.
Talents/Gifts Required
The ability to sight-sing is desirable, but not necessary. A warm heart and dedication to the commitment of most Sundays welcome.
How to Join
Contact the director, Joe Clare: 703-620-3771 or email
We are a children’s choir, open to children from Kindergarten through 8th grade. We sing musically challenging and spiritually prayerful music, and lead the congregation at all three weekend Masses on a rotating basis (5:30 pm, 9:00 am and 11:00 am).
Our Rehearsals
Monday afternoons, time depends on age group.
Talents/Gifts Required
A desire to learn to sing in a choir and to sing at Mass are sufficient. No prior experience necessary.
How to Join
Contact the director, Judith Rautenberg at
We are a group of teens who sing at our once-a-month 6:00 pm Youth and Family Mass (September through June). The choir is open to 7th–12th grade students from any school in the area. We lead the congregation in song with contemporary praise and worship music (such as songs by Matt Maher, Chris Tomlin, and Hillsong) as well as contemporary arrangements of more traditional songs and hymns. We are supported by piano, guitar, bass, percussion, and various string and woodwind instruments.
Our Rehearsals
We rehearse at 5:00 pm in the choir room before each Youth Mass.
Talents/Gifts Required
For singers: a clear voice and a prayerful heart. For instrumentalists: a minimum of 2 years experience playing.
How to Join
Contact Laura Cooman in the Worship Office for more information: 703-766-3423 or email
We are a group of women who sing at funerals and various Holy Day Masses. We sing 2-part SA music, both classical and contemporary. We support grieving families with the comfort of our music, and we support each other with our friendship and laughter.
Our Rehearsals
We rehearse most Friday mornings from 10:15–11:15 am in the choir room.
Talents/Gifts Required
The ability to be free during the day (especially in the morning) for funerals, is necessary.
How to Join
Contact Laura Cooman in the Worship Office for more information: 703-766-3423 or email
We are a group of adults who ring handbells and handchimes, using a beautiful 5-octave set of Schulmerich handbells. We are a close-knit, friendly group, always open to new members! We support the music at the 5:30 pm or 9:00 am Mass approximately once a month, ringing on hymns, as well as playing solo repertoire. We also occasionally ring for Holy Day Masses and usually ring for major liturgical celebrations like Christmas and Easter.
Our Rehearsals
We rehearse every other Tuesday evening from 7:30–9:00 pm in the church.
Talents/Gifts Required
A good sense of rhythm and the ability to sight-read are desirable, but not required.
How to Join
Contact Laura Cooman in the Worship Office for more information: 703-766-3423 or email
We are a large SATB choir of adults, consisting of members of all our other choirs and some parishioners. We gather for special events such as Advent Festival of Lessons and Carols and Triduum liturgies. We have performed the works of Bach, Handel, Mozart, Haydn, Mendelssohn, Vaughan Williams, Faure, Durufle, and Rutter.
Our Rehearsals
Before each special event, we have a series of regular rehearsals, which are required.
Talents/Gifts Required
The ability to sight-sing or learn music quickly is desirable. The ability to commit to a specific schedule of rehearsals is necessary.
How to Join
Contact Laura Cooman in the Worship Office for more information: 703-766-3423 or email
We are a group of ST. MARK schoolchildren who support the singing at our once-a-week School Mass. We sing 2 and 3-part music, as well as a solid repertoire of hymns and songs for our Mass.
Our Rehearsals
Rehearsal times are TBD, depending on the new music teacher at ST. MARK School.
Talents/Gifts Required
A desire to learn to sing in a choir and to sing at Mass are sufficient. No prior experience necessary.
How to Join
Contact the director, ? TBD
Youth Ministry
We offer programs for Middle School (grades 6-8), High School (grades 9-12), and College-aged (ages 18-22) youth.
Follow us on Instagram for updates on Youth Ministry events! @saintmarkyouthministry
Annual Forms:
Event Forms:
ST. MARK follows Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) for weather-related closings, delays, and early dismissals. Please watch the news, check the FCPS website, or listen to the radio for updates when inclement weather threatens. Even if your child is not an FCPS student, you can click here to subscribe to updates on school closings/delays/early dismissals. Note that FCPS no longer has virtual learning days when school is closed due to inclement weather.
When FCPS does make an announcement, please pay attention to what day(s) (and times, in some cases) the announcement applies to, and whether the physical school buildings are closed (no activities happening in school/on school grounds) due to inclement weather conditions. This will mean that our physical building will be closed for that particular time period, and parish activities are therefore cancelled. This applies to both Sunday and Monday RE classes as well as RE, Youth Ministry, CYO, Scouts, and other parish events – not liturgies.
Meet Our Team!
Jamie Cross
Director of Youth Ministry
A graduate of Christopher Newport University and Full Member in Women Youth Apostles, Jamie began volunteering in middle and high school ministry in 2018, and served a Youth Ministry Mission at All Saints Catholic Church in 2023. Jamie is always happy to talk about history, the New York Yankees, and the lives of the saints, and she is grateful that the Lord led her to ST. MARK to serve the youth here and inspire them to live a Christlike life!
Sarah Kirk
Parish Council Rep for Youth Ministry and WorkCamp Stakeholder
Sarah is a longtime parishioner here at ST. MARK. Her children were involved in Youth Ministry, including High School WorkCamp and Catholic Life Communities. Sarah has also been involved in other aspects of Youth Ministry, from WorkCamp to serving as a Catechist and Confirmation Retreat Leader. She is the curator at Turner Farms in Great Falls. For the summer of 2020 & 2021, WorkCampers from ST. MARK, St. Luke, and St. Leo helped Sarah transform part of the farm into a mini-retreat center.
Sarah Lundquist
Religious Education & Youth Ministry
Office Administrator
Sarah and her family are longtime parishioners here at ST. MARK, and she has volunteered in Religious Education programs for numerous years. She also sings in the choir at the 5:30 pm Saturday Mass. Sarah is here Monday thru Friday during normal business hours.
Middle School Youth Ministry
ST. MARK Middle School Ministry is a dynamic ministry open to all teens in 6th-8th grades. We offer a variety of programs, activities, and events aimed at building strong friendships, fostering a healthy community, and spreading the Good News. Whether it’s volunteering at a homeless shelter, studying the Bible, going on trips like visiting Kings Dominion, or simply spending time together on a Friday night, there is something for everyone. Check out our calendar and see what we’re about!
For your safety and your youth’s safety, for all ST. MARK Middle School events taking place ON ST. MARK grounds, please fill out the Middle School Registration Form.
A separate permission form will be available for ANY EVENT OFF ST. MARK GROUNDS. Check our website a couple weeks before each off-site event.
Middle School WorkCamp – TBD
- Open to rising 7th-9th graders (present 6th-8th graders)
- Limited Spaces Available!
- Middle School WorkCamp (SERVE) dates are: TBD
Where do we meet?
What are some potential projects?
- Mulching, Beautifying parish grounds, Painting, Building Bunk Beds, Food Collection, etc.
What do WorkCampers wear?
- We ask that all WorkCampers (including Adult Leaders & High School helpers) wear appropriate clothing. This includes closed toed shoes (boots would work fine), shorts (no shorter than 3″ above the knee) or pants with no tears or rips, a hat or ball cap, t-shirts with sleeves and sunscreen.
- Please do not wear flip-flops, sandals, sleeveless shirts or derogatory messages on any t-shirt or shorts.
What to bring/not to bring?
- Bring: a small backpack with sunscreen, your lunch and an extra shirt/shoes/socks to change if necessary.
DON’T Bring: cell phone/Apple watch, drugs, weapons, fireworks.
What about meals?
- Each camper is asked to bring a bag lunch with them everyday. A light breakfast will be served after Mass in the morning. Dinner will be served in the evening.
We will have drinks & snacks available throughout the day and a refrigerator to store lunches if needed.
What are the programs and activities?
- Each day we will have both recreational and social activities for campers to get to know each other, play games, and have some down time after their project experience. In addition, we will use the time to explore our Catholic faith through prayer, praise, and worship.
What is the cost?
- TBD per participant. (No charge for crew leaders or HS helpers)
- Participants MUST be present each day of WorkCamp!
- There is no leaving early or arriving late. Parents, if you need to pick up your child early for a medical appointment or something else, they CAN NOT return for the rest of that day.
- How do I sign up? Turn in the Participant Form {link to .pdf will be added later} and registration fees to the ST. MARK Youth/RE Office.
- We need 1 FULLY COMPLIANT ADULT (21 years +) WITH A WORKING CAR to be an adult crew leader for every 4-5 WorkCampers.
***Parents, if you sign up to be an Adult Leader for all four days, one of your children can get in for FREE!***
Fill out the Adult Crew Leader form {link to .pdf will be added later}, and return to the ST. MARK Youth/RE Office.
- High School Helpers are always needed to assist the Middle School WorkCamp Adult Team. High School Helpers must presently be at least a rising sophomore through graduating senior.
- HS Training will be June 29 from 9:00 am-3:00 pm at ST. MARK parish.
HS Helpers need to arrive on Wednesday, July 5 for set up at 2:00 pm. To sign up, download these two forms and return to the ST. MARK Youth/RE Office: High School Helper Form, High School Helper Commitment Form {.pdf links to be added later}
- Join us in July for 9:15 am Mass followed by breakfast outside on the plaza or at a local eatery!
- *One FREE BREAKFAST will be given away each week* (Answer the trivia question correctly, based on the readings at that Mass, and win a FREE BREAKFAST!)
All High School and Middle School youth & their friends are invited!
(A permission form is required if we drive to an offsite eatery)
When: July 19-21, 2024
Where: Franciscan University in Steubenville, OH
- Joining ST. MARK this year are youth from St. Leo, St. Ann, Good Shepherd and the Basilica of St. Mary and possibly more!
- The theme: Illuminate (John 1:5)
- When is Steubenville?
- Bus#1 leaves ST. MARK in Vienna on July 19 at 7:30 am
- Parishes on Bus #1 TBD.
- Bus#2 leaves TBD on July 19 at TBD.
- Parishes on Bus # 2 TBD.
- Both buses come back Sunday night by 8-8:30 pm
- Bus#1 leaves ST. MARK in Vienna on July 19 at 7:30 am
What is Steubenville?
- We will travel by a certified luxury bus to Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio, for this awesome 3-day conference. All attendees will sleep in the dorm rooms and 6 meals are provided.
There will be:
- Energetic speakers (lineup TBD)
- Awesome spiritual music!
- Fun fellowship! Yummy food! Mass every day!
- Teens from all over the country and Canada! Frisbee, games, and other activities!
- Caution! This is a life-altering experience!
Why should I go?
- Ever wondered what this whole “being Catholic” thing is all about? Just go to church on Sunday and be nice to others, right? Are you willing to give up one weekend (3 days) of your summer to allow God to show you more? If so, this is the trip for you!
Who can come?
- All rising 9th graders (8th-grade graduates) through rising college freshmen (Senior graduates).
Total Cost:
- (a 50% Non-refundable Deposit IS REQUIRED along with a completed/signed ST. MARK Registration Form)
- $395 – Register by April 28 {$197.50 deposit due at time of registration; $197.50 balance due by June 15}
- $450 – Register April 29 thru June 15 {$225 deposit due at time of registration; $225 balance due by June 15}
- $495 – Register after June 15 {full payment is due – $495}
- (Cost includes BUS transportation, lodging, most meals, t-shirt and more)
Please don’t let money stop you from joining us! Please contact Kevin Flores/ Sarah Kirk to discuss (, 703-938-5656).
To Sign up:
- Turn in the Steubie Registration form 2024 and DEPOSIT (1/2 REGISTRATION FEE) to the Youth Office ASAP. Completed ST. MARK registration form & deposit can be brought to the Youth Office at any time on weekdays during business hours or placed in the YOUTH MINISTRY black mesh box outside the RE/YOUTH Office. The form has THREE PAGES! (KEEP THE LAST PAGE FOR YOUR RECORDS)
- Kevin/Sarah will then email you a link to register ONLINE with the Steubenville Conference. This will electronically register you with the University.
- The BALANCE DUE date is June 15.
- Make all checks payable to ST. MARK CATHOLIC CHURCH
When: July 26, 2024
- Cost: $50
- Depart from ST. MARK RE/YM Offices @ 7:30 am
- Attend Mass at St. Mary’s in Fredericksburg at 9 am with Bishop Burbidge
- Return to ST. MARK @ 8:30 PM
- Come for a fun day of roller coasters, games, prizes and food with our diocese at Kings Dominion! The cost is $50, which includes 1 snack or beverage item, entrance to the park, and carpool transportation. We will provide transportation to and from the park.
- Permission Form needed for all participants.
When: Select Friday Nights: 6:30 – 8 p.m.
Where: Location varies around campus, but we usually meet in Youth Room twice a month during the school year
- Social Nights (include making ice cream Sundaes, Scavenger Hunts, Bowling, Laser tag, Movies {in Youth Room Theatre or elsewhere}, hiking and more)
- Spiritual Nights (include Praise & Worship, Adoration, Living Stations on Good Friday and more)
- Educational Nights (include some Bible Study, Discussions on Important Issues, Talks about our Catholic Faith and more)
Suggestions for activities or topics to discuss are welcome!
Occurs every SECOND* Sunday of the month during the school year.
- The Dinner & Activity/event following the 6 pm Mass is open to all Middle School & High School youth and their families. The dinner is prepared and served by an 8th-grade Spirit Team, and the activity is usually a guest speaker or hands-on event.
*There are no Youth & Family Masses in June, July and August.
Note that February 2, April 6, and May 4 are FIRST SUNDAYS in 2025.
Youth & Family Mass Dates:
October 13, 2024
November 10, 2024
December 8, 2024
January 12, 2025
February 2, 2025 (FIRST SUNDAY)
March 9, 2025
April 6, 2025 (FIRST SUNDAY)
May 4, 2025 (FIRST SUNDAY)
- Where: Bryce Ski Resort in Basye, Virginia
- When: Monday, January 20 (MLK Day) from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm (meet at ST. MARK AT 6:30 am)
- Who: 8th thru 12th grade students and their friends! (on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED basis)
- Each registration form will be numbered as it is turned in WITH FULL PAYMENT.
- We are offering TWO options:
- Option #1 is a single-day LIFT TICKET (all lifts) with bus transportation; NO RENTALS – YOU MUST BRING YOUR OWN SKIS/SNOWBOARD and REQUIRED HELMET: $143
- Option #2 is a single-day LIFT TICKET (all lifts) with bus transportation; INCLUDES RENTAL OF SKIS/SNOWBOARD and REQUIRED HELMET: $213
The fully completed and signed ST. MARK form and payment are due to the RE/YM Office no later than Monday, January 13. The signed Bryce Ski Liability & Release Agreement Form must be brought to ST. MARK at check-in on Monday, January 20.
- REFUND POLICY: See back of ST. MARK permission form.
- ANY QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS: Please contact Jamie Cross at 703-938-5656 or email
Saturday, May 10, 2025, at Bishop O’Connell High School from 3:00 pm to 8:30 pm
For all middle school youth (6th-8th grade) and their friends.
This Diocesan event includes snacks, pizza, ice cream, inflatables, a multi-talented speaker, Gaga Ball, a free throw competition, BASH t-shirts, and Mass with Bishop Burbidge.
- ST. MARK will attend as a group. The cost is expected to be $20 per person.
- CHECK IN FOR ST. MARK GROUP BEGINS AT 3 PM. Please be on time!
Small Group assignments, rules and logistics will be explained to our entire group before proceeding into the event. - NO LATE ARRIVALS OR LEAVING EARLY PERMITTED!
To register:
1.Download and complete a permission form and have your parent sign it. Each attendee MUST HAVE A PERMISSION FORM!
DOWNLOAD BASH permission form
2. Parent and youth READ and SIGN the permission form and submit it, along with the $20 fee (cash or check made out to ST. MARK Catholic Church), to the RE/YOUTH OFFICES by TBD at 5 pm.
If no one is in the office or if it’s after hours, please place completed form and check inside an envelope and place it in the BLACK mesh bin attached to the wall near the office door.
If a parent of a youth volunteers to help chaperone a small group, their 1 youth will not be charged the $20 fee! THIS PARENT MUST BE FULLY COMPLIANT WITH DIOCESAN CHILD PROTECTION POLICIES. If you are unsure or need assistance, please check with Sarah Lundquist at
On the day of the event…
Parents, will drive their youth to Bishop O’Connell HS by 3:00 pm and pick them up between 8:30-8:45 pm at the same dropoff area. There will be a designated meeting spot in the high school side parking lot marked with a large ST. MARK teardrop flag. An email will be sent before the event with any updates, including an aerial map of the meeting spot.
Your youth will be placed in small groups of 10-12 with two adult chaperones at check in and stay in that group until the end of the event.
Since we will be a large group, a reserved set of chairs in the auditorium will be set aside for the St. Mark group. All ST. MARK youth MUST SIT WITH THE ST. MARK GROUP DURING ALL SESSSIONS!
At the end of the event, small group leaders will each take their small group back to our drop off location and wait until everyone in their group is picked up. I will stay until all youth are checked off and chaperones have given me their lists.
***************************REMEMBER ******************************
Attending BASH at least one time during their 6th, 7th or 8th grade is required for ALL Confirmation Candidates at ST. MARK.
8th-grade candidates for 2025 Confirmation must have attended BASH on April 22, 2023, May 4, 2024, or plan to attend this year on Saturday, May 10, 2025.
7th-grade candidates for 2026 Confirmation must attend BASH either on Saturday, May 10, 2025, or next year on Saturday, April 25, 2026. The 2027 date (for current 6th graders) is not yet known.
An attendance list will be maintained, and participants MUST ATTEND THE ENTIRE EVENT without arriving late or leaving early for it to count towards Confirmation.
Please check with Sarah Lundquist if you are not sure about past attendance at
High School Youth Ministry
Welcome to ST. MARK High School Youth Ministry! Besides having wonderful activities and events at ST. MARK, our Diocesan Office of Youth Ministry also hosts many activities and events. Check out our calendar and see what we’re about!
For your safety and your youth’s safety, for all ST. MARK High School events taking place ON ST. MARK grounds, please fill out the High School Registration Form.
WorkCamp is an annual week-long service experience for 9th-12th graders put on by the Diocese of Arlington that seeks to have teens living in an intentional Christian community that focuses on building relationships, offering opportunities for prayer, and working on home projects for residents of our diocese to make their homes ~warmer, safer, and drier~
This year, WorkCamp runs from June 21-27 in Shenandoah County, and everyone stays at “home base,” which is a middle or high school that has been converted into our headquarters for the whole week of WorkCamp. It is an absolutely transformational experience and we can’t wait to go with YOU!
High School WorkCamp is open to any youth who have completed 9th grade – 12th grade (graduating Seniors) and their friends. Your friends don’t have to belong to ST. MARK or even be Catholic to join our group at this incredible experience!
To Register:
- Complete and return ST. MARK Registration forms below and $50 deposit to the Youth Ministry Office:
- ST. MARK High School Registration Form here (if you have not already done so this year)
- ST. MARK WorkCamp 2025 Registration Form here
- Diocesan Online Registration Form here. Please read the Registration Reference Guide here first.
- Register early to increase the chances of participation as the number of participants is capped at 600 and it is first come, first served!
- Being a part of the WorkCamp team requires a big commitment from participants, including attending all meetings (5 in total), and participating fully in required fundraisers. WorkCamp preparation begins in October, and the event itself takes place from June 21-27, 2025. (All WorkCampers and Adult Leaders MUST be able to attend the full week.) Please review the calendar of all WorkCamp Commitments before registering. Contact us ahead of time if there is a conflict – you will be held responsible for knowing all meeting information.
- Adult Leaders (fully OPCYP compliant) and volunteers to help make lunches are needed to help make WorkCamp a reality!
For more information or any inquiries contact Sarah Kirk (WC Stakeholder) at or Jamie Cross at or 703-938-5656.
When: July 19-21, 2024
Where: Franciscan University in Steubenville, OH
- Joining ST. MARK this year are youth from St. Leo, St. Ann, Good Shepherd and the Basilica of St. Mary and possibly more!
- The theme: Illuminate (John 1:5)
- When is Steubenville?
- Bus#1 leaves St. Mark in Vienna on July 19 at 7:30 am
- Parishes on Bus #1 TBD.
- Bus#2 leaves TBD on July 19 at TBD.
- Parishes on Bus # 2 TBD.
- Both buses come back Sunday night by 8-8:30 pm
- Bus#1 leaves St. Mark in Vienna on July 19 at 7:30 am
What is Steubenville?
- We will travel by a certified luxury bus to Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio, for this awesome 3-day conference. All attendees will sleep in the dorm rooms and 6 meals are provided.
There will be:
- Energetic speakers (lineup TBD)
- Awesome spiritual music!
- Fun fellowship! Yummy food! Mass every day!
- Teens from all over the country and Canada! Frisbee, games, and other activities!
- Caution! This is a life-altering experience!
Why should I go?
- Ever wondered what this whole “being Catholic” thing is all about? Just go to church on Sunday and be nice to others, right? Are you willing to give up one weekend (3 days) of your summer to allow God to show you more? If so, this is the trip for you!
Who can come?
- All rising 9th graders (8th-grade graduates) through rising college freshmen (Senior graduates).
Total Cost:
- (a 50% Non-refundable Deposit IS REQUIRED along with a completed/signed ST. MARK Registration Form)
- $395 – Register by April 28 {$197.50 deposit due at time of registration; $197.50 balance due by June 15}
- $450 – Register April 29 thru June 15 {$225 deposit due at time of registration; $225 balance due by June 15}
- $495 – Register after June 15 {full payment is due – $495}
- (Cost includes BUS transportation, lodging, most meals, t-shirt and more)
Please don’t let money stop you from joining us! Please contact Sarah Kirk to discuss (703-938-5656).
To Sign up:
- Turn in the Steubie Registration form 2024 and DEPOSIT (1/2 REGISTRATION FEE) to the Youth Office ASAP. Completed ST. MARK registration form & deposit can be brought to the Youth Office at any time on weekdays during business hours or placed in the YOUTH MINISTRY black mesh box outside the RE/YOUTH Office. The form has THREE PAGES! (KEEP THE LAST PAGE FOR YOUR RECORDS)
- Sarah will then email you a link to register ONLINE with the Steubenville Conference. This will electronically register you with the University.
- The BALANCE DUE date is June 15.
- Make all checks payable to ST. MARK CATHOLIC CHURCH
- Join us in July for 9:15 am Mass followed by breakfast outside on the plaza or at a local eatery!
- *One FREE BREAKFAST will be given away each week* (Answer the trivia question correctly, based on the readings at that Mass, and win a FREE BREAKFAST!)
All High School and Middle School youth & their friends are invited!
(A permission form is required if we drive to an offsite eatery)
When: July 26, 2024
- Cost: $50
- Depart from ST. MARK RE/YM Offices @ 7:30 am
- Attend Mass at St. Mary in Fredericksburg at 9 am with Bishop Burbidge
- Return to ST. MARK @ 8:30 PM
- Come for a fun day of roller coasters, games, prizes and food with our diocese at Kings Dominion! The cost is $50, which includes 1 snack or beverage item, entrance to the park, and carpool transportation. We will provide transportation to and from the park.
- Permission Form TBD
Occurs every SECOND* Sunday of the month during the school year.
- The Dinner & Activity/event following the 6 pm Mass is open to all Middle School & High School youth and their families. The dinner is prepared and served by an 8th-grade Spirit Team, and the activity is usually a guest speaker or hands-on event.
*There are no Youth & Family Masses in June, July and August.
Note that February 2, April 6 and May 4 are FIRST SUNDAYS in 2025.Youth & Family Mass Dates:
October 13, 2024
November 10, 2024
December 8, 2024
January 12, 2025
February 2, 2025 (FIRST SUNDAY)
March 9, 2025
April 6, 2025 (FIRST SUNDAY)
May 4, 2025 (FIRST SUNDAY)
- Where: Bryce Ski Resort in Basye, Virginia
- When: Monday, January 20 (MLK Day) from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm (meet at ST. MARK AT 6:30 am)
- Who: 8th thru 12th grade students and their friends! (on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED basis)
- Each registration form will be numbered as it is turned in WITH FULL PAYMENT.
- We are offering TWO options:
- Option #1 is a single-day LIFT TICKET (all lifts) with bus transportation; NO RENTALS – YOU MUST BRING YOUR OWN SKIS/SNOWBOARD and REQUIRED HELMET: $143
- Option #2 is a single-day LIFT TICKET (all lifts) with bus transportation; INCLUDES RENTAL OF SKIS/SNOWBOARD and REQUIRED HELMET: $213
The fully completed and signed ST. MARK form and payment are due to the RE/YM Office no later than Monday, January 13. The signed Bryce Ski Liability & Release Agreement Form must be brought to ST. MARK at check-in on Monday, January 20.
- REFUND POLICY: See back of ST. MARK permission form.
- ANY QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS: Please contact Jamie Cross at 703-938-5656 or email
When: Sunday, October 27, 2024, 12-8 pm
Where: Bishop O’Connell High School in Arlington
Must sign up with a parish; no individual youth are allowed to register.
Calling all high schoolers – the teens of St. Mark are headed to RALLY 2024, taking place on Sunday 10/27 from 12-8pm at Bishop O’Connell High School! This annual event held by the Diocese of Arlington includes Mass with Bishop Burbidge, Eucharistic Adoration, inspirational speakers and entertainers, breakout sessions, inflatable games, music, and more!
Grab a friend and sign up by bringing $25 and a completed permission form to the YM/RE Office by Monday 10/21 at 5pm. Email with any questions or concerns.
Join us on Thursday, January 23 at Life Fest 2025! This event, held at EagleBank Arena, is sponsored by the Catholic Diocese of Arlington, the Sisters of Life, and the Knights of Columbus to create an evening of praise and prayer the night before the National March for Life. Here, we will have plenty of prayer opportunities including adoration with Bishop Burbidge, the chance to hear inspirational Catholic speakers, and be in community with thousands of other pro-life Catholics as we pray for an increase in respect for life at all stages in our diocese, our state, and our world.
Join us by turning in a completed permission form (click here) and $10 (cash or check payable to ST. MARK) to the RE/YM Office by 5 PM on 1/21! Dropoff will be by the Youth Room steps (Door #3) at 5:15 PM on 1/23. Email Jamie at with any questions or concerns.
Looking for local Youth Volunteer Opportunities?
College Age Ministry
College Ministry (ages 18-22) is available when most college students are back in town on break.
College Information Nights for HS Seniors
The Associates of St. John Bosco (ASJB) was founded by Fr. Christopher Vaccaro, presently the Parochial Vicar at Saint Theresa Parish in Ashburn. The ASJB holds several College Nights each summer, which are fun and engaging events that supply students with free resources and encouragement for keeping their Catholic faith in college.
CYO Sports
The mission of the NVJCYO, through its approximately 45 member parishes, is to organize sports programs for parish youth from 3-8th grades throughout the Catholic Diocese of Arlington and to reinforce Catholic values taught in parish schools and religious education programs. The programs administered by NVJCYO encourage healthy physical activity, play a significant role in the development of Catholic values, and foster cooperation, respect, sportsmanship, responsibility, leadership, competitiveness, fairness, and courtesy.
Any youth who attends weekly ST. MARK Religious Education classes (or is a homeschool RE student) or is enrolled at ST. MARK school is eligible. (If a registered youth misses more than 4 RE classes and is on any CYO team, they will be suspended from play until those classes are made up.) Eligible grades vary by sport.
Paperwork for all CYO Sports MUST be completed, signed and turned in BEFORE any participation:
When you register ONLINE, download each form to complete and sign.
ALL CYO Sports & Activities follow Fairfax County Public School for weather cancellations–if FCPS closes facilities due to weather, there will be NO CYO Sports & Activities including practices that afternoon/evening or that weekend.
- If the forecast calls for a high likelihood of rain / thunderstorms & lightning, an email will be sent out before Noon, if possible, advising parents that the practice/game/meet is canceled for the day.
- If rain or other bad weather happens during practice/game/meet, coaches will tell everyone to seek shelter (inside if possible). If on the ST. MARK campus, please use the Cassidy Activities Center for emergency shelter.
- If thunder is heard, stop the practice/game/meet for 30 minutes and seek shelter until no thunder is heard. If it continues cancel the rest of the practice/game/meet.
Parent volunteers are encouraged to join the fun and help! All volunteers 18+ and parents assisting in any way – and assistants – must be fully compliant with Diocesan child protection procedures. This includes VIRTUS training as well as a background check. For more information visit protection. If you are unsure of your status, please contact Stacey Ashman in the parish office 703-281-9100 or
Still have questions about CYO Sports?
Fill out the form below or call 703-938-5656.
Online registration is closed.
CYO Tennis is open to all students in grades 4-8 (coed teams) who are enrolled in either the Religious Education program at ST. MARK or ST. MARK Catholic School.
Suzzette and Chris DeMers will be our head coaches this year but will need some adult volunteers to assist at weekly practices and meets. All volunteers 18+ and parents assisting in any way must be compliant with diocesan child protection requirements (background check AND VIRTUS training). For more information or if you are unsure of your status, please visit or contact Stacey Ashman in the parish office, 703-281-9100 or
Practices will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30-7pm, with one match per weekend on Sunday afternoons. Practices will be held at the James Madison High School tennis courts (2500 James Madison Drive, Vienna) starting on Tuesday, September 10. There will be skill assessments so placements can be made.
Matches will start on September 15 and are held at various locations within the diocese. The season concludes with a FINAL MATCH in early November. (Julie will email parents about locations, dates and times.)
The cost is $60 per student and must be paid online.
ALL payments can be made through our secure ONLINE payment service link:
**In addition, each player is being asked to bring one can of tennis balls to the first practice. ST. MARK will have extra tennis balls for practice and matches.
Tennis Commissioner: Julie Printer
Online registration is closed.
CYO Track & Field is open to all students in grades 3-8 who are enrolled in either the Religious Education program at ST. MARK or ST. MARK Catholic School.
(Note that Cross Country is a separate registration.)
Practices will be once a week, Sunday afternoons, at Bishop O’Connell High School and will run up until the CYO meet on October 19. Practices at O’Connell will be held Sundays from 2-3:30pm.
Track & Field events include 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m and 1600m. Field events offered are Long Jump, Shot Put and Turbo Javelin.
The cost is $20 per student and must be paid online.
ALL payments can be made through our secure ONLINE payment service link:
All volunteers 18+ and parents assisting in any way must be compliant with diocesan child protection requirements (background check AND VIRTUS training). For more information or if you are unsure of your status, please visit or contact Stacey Ashman in the parish office, 703-281-9100 or
Track & Field Commissioner: Brendan Fitzgibbon
Phone: 415-860-4127; Email:
Online registration is closed.
CYO Cross Country is open to all students in grades 3-8 who are enrolled in either the Religious Education program at ST. MARK or ST. MARK Catholic School.
(Note that Track & Field is a separate registration.)
Practices will be Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30pm-6:30pm at Daniels Run Elementary, 3705 Blenheim Blvd, Fairfax, VA. We will meet in the field behind the elementary school. We will also have practice on Sunday afternoons (with the ST. MARK CYO Track and Field team)from 2-3:30pm at Bishop O’Connell High School. We will have our first cross country practice on Tuesday, September 3.
There will be 4 total meets:
- Saturday, September 28, NVJCYO Cross Country Meet 1
- Sunday, October 6, Fairfax Police Youth Club Cross Country Invitational at Van Dyck Park
- Saturday, October 12, NVJCYO Cross Country Meet 2
- Saturday, October 26, NVJCYO Cross Country Championship Meet
Since cross country is an endurance sport, we ask that you make as many practices as you can each week.
The cost is $40 per student and must be paid online.
ALL payments can be made through our secure ONLINE payment service link:
*Assistant coaches / Parents are encouraged to join the fun and help! All volunteers 18+ and parents assisting in any way must be compliant with diocesan child protection requirements (background check AND VIRTUS training). For more information or if you are unsure of your status, please visit or contact Stacey Ashman in the parish office, 703-281-9100 or
Cross Country Commissioner: Brendan Fitzgibbon
Phone: 415-860-4127 ; Email:
Online registration is closed.
CYO Cheer is open to all students in grades 4-8 who are enrolled in either the Religious Education program at ST. MARK or ST. MARK Catholic School.
Parents are needed to serve as volunteer assistants. All volunteers 18+ and parents assisting in any way must be compliant with diocesan child protection requirements (background check AND VIRTUS training). For more information or if you are unsure of your status, please visit or contact Stacey Ashman in the parish office, 703-281-9100 or
Practices will be held at ST. MARK on Wednesday evenings from 6:15-7:45pm starting TBD. The squad will cheer for CYO boys’ and girls’ basketball home games on a rotating basis.
Participation Fees: Registration fee of $75 paid at the time of registration (includes bow and practice T-shirt as well as pom-poms for new participants).
ALL registration payments can be made through our secure ONLINE payment service link:
Uniform Fees: To be determined at a cost beyond registration fee.
Refunds will be on a case-by-case basis. Refunds will consist of registration fee paid minus $10 in administrative fees through December 7. After December 7, no refunds will be given.
Cheer Commissioner: Jennifer deVore
Online registration is closed.
CYO Basketball is open to all students in grades 3-8 (girls’ and boys’ teams) who are enrolled in either the Religious Education program at ST. MARK or ST. MARK Catholic School.
Coaches are still needed for several teams. Previous basketball coaching or player experience is desired but not mandatory. Please contact Greg Wach if interested. All volunteers 18+ and parents assisting in any way must be compliant with diocesan child protection requirements (background check AND VIRTUS training). For more information or if you are unsure of your status, please visit or contact Stacey Ashman in the parish office, 703-281-9100 or
Practices are one or two times per week, with one game per weekend (played in gyms throughout the diocese). Practices start in early November, games start in early December, and the season concludes in early to mid-March.
Come join the long tradition of fun and success in our CYO basketball program. The deadline to register is October 24, but don’t wait until then — please register today! Registrations will be accepted but not guaranteed until all players have registered.
Participation Fee: $115 for each player this year.
ALL payments can be made through our secure ONLINE payment service link:
- Playing time may be minimized if teams are larger.
- Refunds will be on a case-by-case basis. Refunds will consist of registration fee paid minus $10 in administrative fees through November 30. After November 30, no refunds will be given.
Looking forward to another successful season of ST. MARK Hoops!
Basketball Commissioner: Greg Wach
Online registration runs from February 10 through March 12.
CYO Volleyball is open to girls in grades 3-8 who are enrolled in either the Religious Education program at ST. MARK or ST. MARK Catholic School.
Parents are needed to serve as coaches and assistants. Previous volleyball coaching or player experience is desired but not mandatory. All volunteers 18+ and parents assisting in any way must be compliant with diocesan child protection requirements (background check AND VIRTUS training). For more information or if you are unsure of your status, please visit or contact Stacey Ashman in the parish office, 703-281-9100 or
Practices will be one or two evenings per week at ST. MARK, with matches on Saturdays (played in other gyms throughout the diocese). Practices start in mid-March, matches start in mid-April, and the season concludes in mid- to late May.
The deadline to register is March 12, but don’t wait until then — please register today! Registrations will be accepted but not guaranteed until all players have registered.
Participation Fee: $50 for each player this year.
ALL payments can be made through our secure ONLINE payment service link:
Teams will be split as follows:
Grades 3/4
Grades 5/6
Grades 7/8
Refunds will be on a case-by-case basis. Refunds will consist of registration fee paid minus $10 in administrative fees through March 31. After March 31, no refunds will be given.
Please contact Lauren McCabe with any questions or to volunteer as a coach.
Volleyball Commissioner: Lauren McCabe
Visit for more information about Scouting.
Visit for more information about Catholic Scouting, as well as Scouts BSA to learn about the fundamentals of the Scouting program.
Girls and Boys from 11-18 years of age (5th graders and up) – this is for you! Troop 1978 B and Troop 1978 G are always welcoming new members.
Troop 1978 B (Boys) and Troop 1978 G (Girls) give you an exciting way to develop leadership skills, a passion for service, and experience personal growth while participating in fun challenges and adventures with other Scouts.
As a Scout with one of our troops, you’ll meet weekly at 7:30pm on Tuesday nights at ST. MARK. You’ll also have the chance to plan and participate in monthly activities, such as canoeing, rock climbing, backpacking, hiking and exploring skills that allow you to earn Merit Badges including First Aid, STEM, Communications, and many more!
Scouts also participate in summer camp, community service projects, and National Scout Jamborees and give back to the community by performing service projects to help our local schools, churches, and the Town of Vienna.
For more information, visit or follow us on FACEBOOK at Troop 1978.
Pack 1978 welcomes boys and girls from kindergarten through 5th grade to join us in the Cub Scout experience. We organize the children into dens by grade. The highlights of our program are fall and spring campouts (1-night park-and-pitch) and the Pinewood Derby (racing wooden cars built by the Cub Scout and parent) in late January. We meet about twice per month – once as a den and once as the entire Pack.
For more information or to be included on the distribution list, please contact Justin Wilcox at
Girl Scouts do not fall under Youth Ministry at ST. MARK, but there are troops available for girls in grades K-8, and high school-age girls can be put in contact with troops in the area. Contact Catherine Wykoff for more information.
Young Adult Ministry
ST. MARK Young Adult Ministry is seeking a group of young adults to usher in a new vision for this ministry that seeks to reach out to young adults in their 20s and 30s, single or married. We strive to meet spiritual, social, educational, service, and communal needs through various programs. Please contact Jamie at if you would like to be involved in rebooting this ministry.
Interested in learning more?
Fill out the form below to get in touch!
Theology on Tap is a speaker series that takes place in the fun, relaxed setting of your favorite local pub. “ToT” focuses on topics of faith and contemporary issues that directly affect the lives of young adults (ages 21-39). ToT originated in the Archdiocese of Chicago and has spread throughout the country as a vital and popular component of young adult ministry. The goal is to provide a forum for young adults to learn about and discuss their faith in a relaxing social setting.
The Arlington Young Adult Ministry continues the Arlington Catholic Sports Club yearlong! The program includes leagues and open gyms and will offer young adults a place where they can go to share their passion for sports in an environment that respects Christian precepts and gives glory to God. Events are open to all young adults, married or single, Catholic or otherwise.
Check out Arlington Catholic Sports Club! Or on Facebook!
Service Ministries
These are held two times per year to help Inova Blood Donor Services provide a safe and adequate blood supply for our area. Please consider giving the gift of life! Volunteers are needed to help after Mass to sign up donors, staff the drive as well as donate blood.
Bill Grossman, if interested, at 703-938-1936 or
The Christ House is a shelter for homeless men in need of health care, in Washington DC.. Every third Sunday of the month, ST. MARK is committed to providing a hot and nutritious lunch. There are two ways to participate: 1) purchase food and bring it to the kitchen at ST. MARK or 2) drive w/ the food, prepare & serve lunch to guests at Christ House. Additional food providers are needed.
Arnold Crespo | 703-349-3623 |
Janine Doran | 703-371-7389 |
Through the Giving Tree, volunteers provide the ST. MARK community an opportunity to spread the joy of Christmas to the disadvantaged in an organized gift gathering and delivery project. Most work on the Giving Tree takes place between November 1 and mid-December and includes contacting charities about their needs, making tags for the tree, putting up and decorating the tree in the Narthex, organizing incoming gifts for delivery to charities and families, and delivering gifts.
Carolyn Peterson | 703-281-3941 |
You can get a wish list from a child, an individual or a family through this process.
Nancy Dunaway | 703-758-8142 |
Mary Lou McIntire | 703-938-4276 |
The Clothing Drive is a great family ministry that supports many local charities in the Washington, D.C. area. Help to sort and pack donated clothing on Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving Day. Help with organizational tasks prior to the Drive. Help with small deliveries in your pickup truck or minivan after the drive. We invite all parishioners to contribute with the clothing they no longer find useful. Mens casual clothing and winter coats are our biggest need.
Paul Renard | 703-819-4666 |
This ministry offers English language/citizenship preparation instruction to hundreds of adult learners at various proficiency levels. No foreign language skills are necessary for most positions. ESL teachers and aides generally volunteer one evening a week, either Tuesday or Thursday, and classes meet in the ST. MARK Christian Formation Center. Time commitment for weekly volunteers averages 2-3 hours per week (September – May). Volunteers are also asked to help with program administration by participating in student registration, publicity, hospitality, student recognitions, and other program-wide functions. Others serve as occasional substitutes or assist with the summer program. Volunteers attend training, plan lessons, and report on attendance and classroom activity via email.
For more information please contact Monica O’Keefe at:
- Read more about ESL volunteer positions
- 2024-2025 ESL Schedule
- Read more about ESL Volunteer Responsibilities
Interested in being a student? Click Here for Student Information!
The ST. MARK Hot Meals team prepares 130 meals for the unhoused and delivers them to sites in Fairfax six times a year: the fourth Monday of alternate months starting in January. We prepare the food here at ST. MARK Catholic Church. The cooks prepare and package food from 3:15 to 5:45 pm, then the drivers deliver the food from 5:30pm to 7:15pm. The drivers should have vehicles. We are currently looking for a new leader to head this amazing ministry.
Dave Kent | 703-472-0418 |
Mary Purdy | 703-385-9572 |
ST. MARK delivers lunch on the first Thursday of every month to help feed the homeless in Fairfax County at the Embry Rucker Homeless Shelter in Reston, VA. Some volunteers prepare a portion of the meal, others provide the menu items that do not need cooking; and still others deliver the meal and serve at the Shelter. Contact Diane Smith or visit our Sign Up Genius to volunteer.
Diane Smith | 703-620-0629
Each winter, FACETS and area faith communities offer safe places to sleep and nutritious meals to men and women who are homeless. During the coldest months, area churches take turns opening their doors at night for one week. While ST. MARK does not shelter in our own buildings, for many years we have helped with the FACETS Hypothermia Shelter Program in nearby churches. ST. MARK volunteers provide a hot dinner or two, a warm welcome and a safe place to sleep indoors for homeless single adults.
Volunteer time commitment varies by location, but typical tasks would be to prepare and deliver part of a dinner, transport guests in a FACETS van, visit or play cards with guests, or keep watch in the shelter for a quiet nighttime shift. The shelters are run by professional staff, and volunteer training is free. All in-shelter volunteers must be 18 or older.
Pilar Oishi | 703-582-2247 or Faith Roberts
Has God been calling you to serve the poor in our community? An ecumenical ministry to the poor and homeless, the Lamb Center is a place where Christians pursue whole, loving relationships with men, women and children who know too little of real hope. The Lamb Center is open Monday-Friday, 9:00 am-4:00 pm and from 9:00 am-Noon on Saturday and is located near Fairfax Circle. Volunteers assist staff in serving breakfast and lunch, doing laundry, answering the phone and welcoming guests.
Bill Grossman | 703-938-1936 |
Social Action Linking Together (SALT) is a parish-based network of persons seeking legislation to aid Virginia’s low-income families, the incarcerated, the homeless, the working poor and their children. SALT, a non-partisan legislative network for social justice, can inform you about critical human needs legislation. SALT’s alerts, workshops, and special events provide new and experienced advocates the tools to promote compassionate human needs programs.
The Shepherd Center of Oakton is an ecumenical group of volunteers working together to serve those in need in the Vienna, Oakton and Dunn Loring areas. Please contact the Shepherd Center of Oakton if you are in need of a ride OR if you are able to volunteer to be a driver!! Many more volunteer opportunities are available, read more at the Shepherd Center Website.
Shepherd Center of Oakton | 703-281-0538 |
Donate goods to local charities through our Matthew 25 program. All food items can be brought to the church and left in the Matthew 25 section of the Narthex. ST. MARK is open every day of the week. See the bulletin or the sign in the Narthex for the updated list of items needed.
Community Growth Ministries
Are you called to start a service ministry or new small group?
God, are you sure that you are calling me to do this?
Do you have a Service project idea that can help others in our parish community or in areas outside our parish boundaries? Or perhaps you want to create a small group that not yet offered to help other’s grow in their faith. Let me help you get “it” started, whatever that “it” is that God may be calling you to do. Please contact Bill Grossman at 703-938-1936, or
Let's start something new.
Alpha is a gathering of folks in a small group setting, who are simply looking for Community and for ways to grow in their faith in Jesus Christ. Sessions are available both in person and online.
Karen Asta,, for information on the next Alpha session.
This ST. MARK ministry is a support group for those with LGBTQ+ children/friends. Please join us for fellowship and conversation that helps foster compassion and understanding of LGBTQ+ issues. All are welcome! For further information or questions, please, contact Mary.
Mary Purdy | 703-385-9572 |
Like to bake? Freshly made items needed for funeral receptions: cakes, pies, cookies, bar cookies, whatever you wish to create. This ministry is a wonderful expression of our caring community to families grieving the loss of their loved one. You will be called 48 hours before reception.
Mary Lou McIntire | 703-938-4276
Join Us for a Run & Fellowship!
Bare Your Souls: A running community centered in Christ
Runners, joggers, walkers of all ages and abilities are welcome.
Celebrate your mind, body, and spirit by lacing up your shoes, getting out in nature, and running in fellowship with Christ!
When: | Summer Sundays (6/30 – 8/18) 7:45AM arrival, stretch, devotion & prayer; departing by 8AM for run (this leaves time to get to 9AM Mass if you glisten or 11AM if you sweat and need a shower) |
Where: | Meet in the ST. MARK parking lot with basketball hoops closest to Vale Road |
Courses: | Ashlawn Park and Lawyers Road trail systems from ST. MARK parking lot |
Distance: | Various routes/lengths for all levels (30–45min time-based run) |
Purpose: | Faith, Fitness, and Fellowship |
Plan: | Stretch, prayer/devotional, time-based out/back run from ST. MARK parking lot |
Legalese: | Families are encouraged and welcome, but children need to be accompanied by a guardian |
Inclement Weather & Updates | We will run in rain but not if conditions become dangerous. Please join or email the Google Group for schedule updates / announcements: ~ |
Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us ~ Hebrews 12:1
For any questions, contact: or Mike Geide (
The goal of the CCH ministry is to gather ideas for future projects from individuals and parish groups that will help preserve our environment. All are welcome! We meet on the second Wednesday of each month via Zoom. As Pope Francis says in Laudato Si’, “Living our vocation to be protectors of God’s handiwork is essential to a life of virtue; it is not an optional or secondary aspect of our Christian experience.”
The Care for Our Common Home ministry works to promote the teachings of Pope Francis in Laudato Si’ through:
- Prayer and Reflection on the connectedness of all of God’s creation;
- Education on Church statements on the environment;
- Action to create a sustainable environment in the ST. MARK community;
- Advocacy for policies that will protect the earth and our most vulnerable brothers and sisters.
- Maintenance of our Mary Garden, a certified St. Kateri Habitat (
Betsy Zolper | 703-319-1592 |
I’m sure that you’ve seen or participated in (eaten) a donut or two at one of our monthly Donut Sunday events in the Cassidy Activities Center. Would you like to help? Each event is sponsored by one of the many ST. MARK ministries/groups under the guidance of our leader, Pam Burke. Some groups don’t have enough volunteers to handle the event and call on other volunteers to pitch in. Please consider raising your hand to help in this easy and fun event.
Pam Burke |
This special service is offered to parishioners so they can gather family and friends together for a meal after a funeral. Volunteers host a catered luncheon in the Activities Center. Set up, serve and clean up; mostly daytime; training and fellowship provided. 2-3 hour commitment per funeral reception. Most volunteers average volunteering for a reception 3 or 4 times per year. Please consider this most valuable ministry.
Claire Fountaine | 703-560-4313 |
Bill Grossman | 703-938-1936 |
Denise Argote | 703-938-1936 |
Have you lost a loved one? If you, or someone you know, is grieving the loss of a loved one, and would like to join with others to talk about your feelings and your journey, please consider joining a bereavement support group being jointly offered by ST. MARK Catholic Church and OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL Catholic Church.
We will be presenting a 9-week program that addresses many of the issues faced by those who are grieving. The volunteer facilitators will guide the participants through readings, exercises, prayers and sharing.
Programs run in the Fall (August-September) and the Spring (January-March) time frames. We will meet on Sundays, from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm, in the ST. MARK Church lower level in Room C104
Ms. Sarah Kirk | 703-403-3072 |
Voudriez-vous parler français ensemble? Would you be interested in getting together for 1 hour once a week to speak everyday conversational French? If YES, please join us on Tuesday mornings at 10:00 am via ZOOM. The purpose of this group is to relax and talk about ordinary events, the weather, news, interesting (or not!) things that occurred at home, in the grocery store, etc. Prerequisite: ability to speak minimal French and to laugh at all the mistakes we’ll make. Please contact Donna Deeley if you have an interest in pursuing such a gathering.
Donna Deeley | 703-938-0986 |
Meatless soup suppers most Fridays in Lent, before Stations of the Cross. Each event is sponsored by one of the many ST. MARK ministries/groups.
Andrea Kramer | 703-938-1216 |
Men’s Group – Honor Christ, strengthen families, and build the Church through meetings of prayer, study, and fellowship.
Jeff Jamison |
Our ministry encourages its members in the myriad of ways that we serve God – as mothers, wives, daughters, sisters, co-workers, and friends. We are bonded by our vocation and our faith, and we come together to share the joys and struggles of motherhood. Join our Facebook group at to start engaging with other Moms of ST. MARK today!
Katie Gruters |
Families are invited to a Monthly Movie Showing in the Cassidy Activities Center. Ice cream is served at 6:30 pm, followed by the movie at 7:00 pm. Kids may bring blankets and sleeping bags. Children must be accompanied by an adult. To assist contact:
Andrea Kramer | 703-938-1216 |
This ministry is a fun way to work with fellow parishioners to greet and welcome newly registered parishioners to ST. MARK. Gatherings are 2 times per year-the spring and fall. This committee coordinates all the details for these two events, from sending out invitations, collecting RSVPs, determining the theme, menu selection to hosting the event. It’s fun and a GREAT way to welcome newcomers to the ST. MARK parish family. Requires approximately 3 hours per event.
Susan Heard |
Peggy Kelly | 703-281-6662 |
Pastoral Assistants Care Team (PACT) is an outreach ministry to ST. MARK Parishioners who are experiencing chronic and/or serious illness, or a temporary physical set back such as a hip or knee replacement. PACT Ministers have had training as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, and receive additional training one-on-one with our more experienced PACT Ministers. Most Home Visits occur on the weekend. The PACT Minister visits and brings Eucharist once per week to an assigned parishioner but may minister to other family members, as well.
Bill Grossman | 703-938-1936 |
The ministry’s message of caring is simple and enduring. The shawl maker begins with prayers and blessings for the recipient. Upon completion of a knitted or crocheted shawl, blanket or hat a final blessing is offered and the item is sent on its way with prayers to give comfort to those in need. The prayer shawl ministry meets on the second Tuesday of every month from 1pm-3pm in C103. ALL ARE WELCOME!
Maria Gillard | 703-591-8781 |
This group helps promote a renewed respect for human life by helping to make our parish a center where parishioners will pray for, witness to, and understand the issues and the importance of meeting the needs of those who are most vulnerable. These especially include mothers and their unborn children, the elderly or disabled at risk for euthanasia, and those on death row who proclaim innocence. We need parishioners to help with activities such as the spiritual adoption program, organizing our trip to the March for Life, organizing a presence at the Forty days for Life Campaign. We also need help in promoting educational materials and programming with speakers.
Kristen Day | 703-408-8588 |
The Remembrance Ministry is an outreach to families who have recently experienced the death of a loved one. We contact the bereaved families through sympathy notes and by telephone. We share community resources and assure them that the thoughts and prayers of our ST. MARK community are with them. This ministry assists with the planning of the Mass of Remembrance. Training is provided. New members are very welcome! Commitment: 1-2 hours/month.
Kathy Kelmelis | 703-281-0838 |
M&M = Maturing Matters – The 55+ Group of ST. MARK Church
Anyone over 55 is welcome to join in gathering for social events to meet other parishioners, spiritual enrichment or other opportunities as the group evolves. If you think you would enjoy participating in such events please contact us!
Joyce Kerrigan | 703-938-9049 |
Anne Shea | 703-938-9049 |
Bill McCarthy | 703-938-7208 |
Help promote fellowship around meals and special occasions in the Cassidy Activities Center by preparing food for the Fall Festival, Parish Breakfast, and Spaghetti Dinner.
Pauline Hartnett | 703-255-6130 |
Claire Fountaine | 703-560-4313 |
Be the big smile in the Narthex behind the beautiful Information Desk. Greet people before and after Mass and assist those who need Welcome Packets. Quickest ministry there is – only 20 minutes once a month or every other month (10 minutes before Mass and 10 minutes afterwards). This is a great family activity – small children make wonderful greeters!
Sue Heard or Cathy Wright | 703-281-9103
Small groups meet in homes to read the Scriptures, pray, and discuss sacred readings emphasizing “What the Scriptures are saying, TODAY, in the 21st century.” Members share their faith and become better grounded in Catholic values. Small Groups build community and participants feel more connected to the larger parish. Groups typically meet once or twice a month-fall through spring. Many groups meet weekly in Lent and Advent.
Julie Scott | 703-894-7917 |
Join us! This new virtual rosary prayer group will meet 1-2 times a week via Google Meet (day/time TBD). Please contact April Alexandrow ( for more information.
Cursillo is a ministry that began in the Roman Catholic Church and has since spread to other Christian denominations. It was founded in Majorca, Spain by a group of laymen in 1944, while they were refining a technique to train pilgrimage leaders. It has since been adapted by numerous other Christian denominations, some of which have retained the name “cursillo” while others have given the program a different name. The Cursillo method focuses on training lay people to become effective leaders over the course of a three-day weekend. The weekend includes fifteen talks, some given by priests and some by lay people. One emphasis of the weekend is on preparing those undergoing it to take the movement’s methods back into the world, on what they call the “fourth day”. Upcoming weekends can be found at the Catholic Diocese of Arlington CURSILLO Website.
Bill Grossman | 703-281-1936 |
Teams of Our Lady is an international movement of married couples whose purposes in the Movement and in Team life are growth in the spiritual life of the couple and family through a program of prayer and study, a growth in communication between husband and wife with a developing intimacy through shared prayer and regular in-depth talks, and a way of life designed to make their Christian faith a daily living experience. Each Team is made up of 5 to 7 couples and a Spiritual Counselor.
Mark and Barbara Morneau | 703-620-5101 |
Worldwide Marriage Encounter offers a weekend experience designed to give married couples the opportunity to learn a technique of loving communication that they can use for the rest of their lives. It’s a chance to look deeply into their relationship with each other and with God. It’s a time to share their feelings, hopes and dreams with each other. The emphasis of the Marriage Encounter weekend is on the communication between husbands and wives. The weekend provides a conducive environment for couples to spend time together, away from the distractions and tensions of everyday life, while encouraging them to focus on each other and their relationship.
Mark and Cathy Stangler | 703-378-4150 | |
Retrouvaille is helping couples put the pieces back together and rebuild loving relationships. Retrouvaille, pronounced re-tro-vi, is a French word meaning “rediscovery.” If your marriage is tearing the two of you apart, if there is little or no meaningful communication, if you are considering separation or divorce, then let Retrouvaille help you. Please call the 800 number below, visit our website below, or email Kim and Chris Kargas at the email below.
Kim and Chris Kargas |1 800-470-2230 or 703-351-7211|
Christians in Commerce is a group of men and women working to bring change to their workplaces. We are young and old, Catholics and Protestants, owners and employees, blue collar and white collar, management and front line workers. Our purpose is to transform where we work – offices, schools, factories and hospitals – into places where the love and power of Christ is present and we produce goods and services with excellence. We support each other in living the life of Christ and building the Kingdom of God. We are eager to draw others into the life and work of Christ. All is done in Christ Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to the glory of our Father.
Bill Dalgetty | 703-938-5247 |
The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic fraternal service organization. Founded in the United States in 1882, it is named in honor of Christopher Columbus. Membership is limited to “practicing Catholic” men aged 18 or older. Social and intellectual fellowship is promoted among members and their families through educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief and public relief works.
Chris Fortier |
Want to get involved, but not sure where to start?
Tell us a little about how you would like to get involved at ST. MARK and a staff member will contact you.