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Welcome to ST. MARK Catholic Church!  You will find ST. MARK to be a parish community of involved, committed and caring people.

We encourage all members to register in our parish as registering enables you to participate more fully in the faith community at ST. MARK. Registered members can enroll their children in our faith formation program, receive parish communications, and more easily receive the services the Church has to offer. To register please fill out the form below.

If you prefer to register in person, please come to the Parish Office between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm Monday through Friday to fill out a parish registration form (or) pick up a form at the Information Desk in the Narthex of the church anytime. Any Questions? Call the Parish Secretary at 703-281-9100 or send a message through our contact form.

Would You Like to Become Catholic?

If you are curious about Catholicism, or know someone who is, “Inquiry” is the first step in the four-step process of faith formation and education known as the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. If you have any questions about Inquiry, contact Joe Flaherty at 703-938-1948 or jflaherty@stmark.org