Mass & Sacraments

Mass Times

Saturday 5:30 pm
Sunday 9:00 am, 11:00 am
Youth & Family Mass 6:00 pm on Nov. 10, Dec. 8, 2024 and Jan. 12, Feb. 2, Mar. 9, Apr. 6 and May 4, 2025.

Daily Mass
Monday–Friday at 9:15 am
Monday at 7:30 pm
Friday at 6:15 am
Saturday at 8:00 am

Confession Times

Saturdays 8:45 am-9:30 am, and 4:00 pm-5:00 pm.

During Lent – Wednesdays from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm (March 12, 2025 to April 16, 2025)

Also by appointment with a priest. Call 703-281-9100 to schedule a time.

Adoration Times

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place every Sunday, 12:00-5:00 pm, followed by Evening Prayer and Benediction, and First Friday – 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.

We need 2 people committed at all times. Click here to sign up.


Baptism of Infants

For information regarding Baptism of children over age six or adults click here.

We welcome your child at ST. MARK! Having a little one join your family brings with it lots of joy as well as many new opportunities for growth. To assist you in helping your child grow in faith and in celebrating the joyous occasion of your child’s Baptism some preparations will be helpful.

What Are the Necessary Preparations for Baptizing Children Age Six or Younger?

  • Meeting with the Director of Religious Education; if you are new to the parish or seeking Baptism for your first child you may want to become better acquainted with a member of the Pastoral Staff. ST. MARK is a large parish serving 10,000 parishioners, and the Director of Religious Education enjoys meeting new parishioners and first-time parents. He is able to get to know parents prior to their child celebrating the Sacrament of Baptism and is available to address any specific questions or concerns. To schedule an appointment contact the Religious Education office at 703-938-1948 x1 and speak to Joe Flaherty.
  • Preparation sessions are available once a month for first-time parents to provide the opportunity to learn more about the meaning of the Sacramental symbols as well as provide ways to grow in your own spirituality and learn how to pray with your child(ren). You are more than welcome to bring your child to the preparation session. Godparents are highly encouraged to attend also since they play an integral role in the Sacramental ceremony itself and in the faith development of the child.
  • Registration for Baptism Form: One form for each child is to be completed at least 2 weeks prior to the date you are requesting. This assures that all the necessary information is obtained for accurate church records. You may either e-mail, mail, or drop off the form to the office of Religious Education.
  • Procuring Godparent Eligibility Letters or Certificates for Godparents who are parishioners in a different parish other than ST. MARK (for this process see below). Letters or certificates should be received by mail at ST. MARK no later than 2 weeks prior to the date you are requesting.

When Do Baptisms Occur?

Infant Baptisms are celebrated as communal celebrations at ST. MARK. Just as your child is born or adopted into a particular family, a child is baptized into a specific faith community where he or she can be surrounded by the love and support of the entire community’s prayer and example. Therefore, Baptisms are celebrated with other families and members of the community either within the context of the regular Sunday Masses or on a Saturday afternoon once a month. Contact the Director of Religious Education to schedule a Baptism at 703-938-1948 x1.

Who Can be Godparents?

Godparents play an important role not only in the celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism but in the life of your child as well. They represent the larger Christian community who desire, like you, to have your child grow in wisdom, age, and grace. They are witnesses to a committed relationship with Jesus lived through prayer, Sacramental participation, and service toward their neighbor. Therefore, the Church states that at least one godparent must meet the requirements below:

  • At least 16 years of age and sufficiently mature
  • Someone other than the parent or legal guardian of the one being Baptized
  • Have received Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist
  • If married, their marriage is recognized by the Church
  • Participate in the life of their parish community through frequent reception of the Sacraments
  • Live a life of moral commitment in loving service to others

Being a Sponsor or Godparent provides a more in-depth historical context of the explanation of these requirements.

What if the Godparent is Not Catholic?

Any baptized Christian can act as a Christian Witness. Because the Godparent or Christian Witness is modeling our belief in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, he or she will need to be a Christian. However, at least one Godparent must be Catholic.

What if the Godparent(s) is from Another Parish?

If the godparent(s) is a member of another parish, an eligibility letter or certificate is required to be received at least 2 weeks prior to the requested baptismal date. Simply have the Godparent contact his or her parish to request a letter of eligibility and have the letter forwarded to the attention of DRE – Baptism at ST. MARK.

What if I Have Been Asked to be a Godparent?

To request a Godparent Eligibility Letter or Certificate contact the Parish Secretary, Stacey Ashman, at 703-281-9100 or fill out our online form. Please plan to allow at least 3 weeks for completion. You will be notified when the letter is ready to be picked up in the Parish Office.

Having Your Child Baptized in Another Parish

Upon completion of the necessary preparations, a delegation letter will be drafted on your behalf and mailed to the parish where your child will be baptized. Please plan to allow 2-3 weeks for a letter to be drafted, signed, and sealed by the Pastor and mailed to the parish of delegation.

Children are normally prepared for the Sacraments of Penance and Eucharist in the 2nd grade. The Diocese of Arlington requires children to be enrolled in an RE program or a Catholic school for two years prior to receiving the Sacraments with their peers (i.e., 1st and 2nd grade for First Penance and First Eucharist).

Weekly participation in the Sunday liturgy, modeling the faith in your home, expressing a willingness to continue to grow in your own faith, children’s attendance at faith formation sessions, engaging in parent/child workshops, and attentiveness at parental sessions all assist in preparing your child to receive the Sacraments. More information regarding the dates and times of the workshops and parental sessions will be provided as the year progresses.

It is especially important if you are seeking the Sacrament of the Eucharist for your child that your family participate weekly in the Sunday liturgy. Instilling in your child the importance of regular Mass attendance and witnessing your faith in action will reinforce their desire to receive communion.

Parents of children in the 3rd grade and above are asked to contact the Director of Religious Education, Joe Flaherty, at 703-938-1948 x1 in the Religious Education Office for more information on how to prepare their children to receive First Penance and First Eucharist.


First Penance normally occurs in December during a communal celebration of the Sacrament with individual confessions.

Celebrating the Sacrament of Penance frequently will encourage your child to want to participate. Don’t quite remember how to celebrate the Sacrament? Here’s a short “how to” to guide you through the Sacrament of Penance.

Examination of Conscience for Children

A good way to help your child prepare for the Sacrament of Penance is to pray through what’s called an examination of conscience. Here’s a good examination of conscience for your children.


First Eucharist normally occurs in the first two weekends of May in the context of the weekend masses.

For information on how to properly receive communion reference the information below.

Use this guide to help you teach your children how to receive Communion.

Watch this video to review the dos and don’ts of receiving the Eucharist and review the basics of what Catholics believe about the Eucharist.

Confirmation is a Sacrament of initiation… and like the other Sacraments of initiation, Confirmation calls us to conversion and deeper relationship with God, one another, and ourselves.

“This makes clear the special importance of Confirmation for Sacramental initiation by which the faithful ‘as members of the living Christ are incorporated into Him and made like Him through Baptism and through Confirmation and the Eucharist.’”
(Apostolic Constitution on the Sacrament of Confirmation, emphasis added)

Youth Confirmation

In the Diocese of Arlington, Confirmation generally occurs in the 8th grade. The Diocese requires 2 consecutive years of faith formation prior to reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation (i.e., 7th and 8th grade.) The 2 years of consecutive preparation for Confirmation at ST. MARK normally begins in the 7th grade, with candidates receiving Confirmation in the spring of 8th grade. Fulfillment of the 2-year preparation process includes enrollment during the 2024-2025 year either in an RE program or at a Catholic School, participation in a Spirit Team, engaging in a ST. MARK Confirmation retreat, attending the Diocesan BASH* event (once) in their 6th, 7th or 8th year, Year 2 candidates must attend the ST. MARK Middle School Kickoff on September 27, 2024, completing an interview form, composing a letter to Father Peter, and parental sessions. More information regarding these events will be provided after sessions begin.

*Diocesan BASH Event – All Confirmation candidates will be required to attend BASH at least once in their 6th, 7th or 8th grade year before being confirmed.

The date for this year’s BASH is Saturday, May 10, 2025, at Bishop O’Connell HS.  Attendance will be taken and recorded for reference. Youth must attend the BASH event in its entirety – not arriving late or leaving early – in order for it to count. There will be a charge of $20 to attend this event. Permission forms will be available in spring 2025. BASH is open to all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade youth and their friends. Youth must attend with a parish group; no individual registrations allowed.

Weekly participation in the Sunday liturgy is especially important if we are attempting to prepare our youth to become adult Catholics in the faith. No Sacramental preparation can substitute for our greatest act of worship which occurs during Mass.

High School-Aged Youth

If you have a high school-aged youth who wants to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, please contact Joe Flaherty in the Religious Education Office at 703-938-1948 x1.

Adult Confirmation

Are you an adult Baptized Catholic over the age of 18 who desires to receive the Sacraments of Confirmation or Eucharist? Joe Flaherty, the Director of Religious Education, will be happy to assist you. In your initial conversation, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and have your concerns addressed.

When will the 8th grade Youth Confirmation 2024 occur?

Confirmation will take place on Tuesday, May 13, 2025 at 7:00pm, with a required rehearsal for both candidate and sponsor on Monday, May 12 at 7:00pm.

What is the role of a Sponsor?

Sponsors play an important role not only in the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation but in the life of your youth as well. They represent the larger Christian community who desire, like you, to have youth mature in wisdom, age, and grace.

They witness to a committed relationship with Jesus lived through prayer, Sacramental participation, and service towards their neighbor.

Who can be a Sponsor?

The Church states that a Confirmation sponsor must meet the requirements below:

  • At least 16 years of age and sufficiently mature
  • Someone other than the parent or legal guardian of the one being Confirmed
  • Have received Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist
  • If married, their marriage is recognized by the Church
  • Participate in the life of their parish community through frequent reception of the Sacraments
  • Live a life of moral commitment in loving service to others

Being a Sponsor or Godparent provides a more in-depth historical context of the explanation of these requirements.

What if the Sponsor is from another parish?

If the sponsor is a member of another parish an eligibility letter or certificate is required. A form for sponsors to present to their parish is available here. It must be signed by the sponsor and his/her pastor, and bear the seal of the parish.

What if I have been asked to be a Sponsor?

To request a Sponsor Eligibility Letter or Certificate contact the Parish Secretary, Stacey Ashman, at 703-281-9100 or fill out our online form. Please plan to allow at least 3 weeks for completion. You will be notified when the letter is complete to come pick up your letter at the Parish Office. 

Congratulations on your engagement!

Marriage preparation (Pre-Cana) is required for all seeking to be married in the Church. Please make arrangements at least six months in advance. Call (703) 281-9100 for more information.

Those who are suffering prolonged serious illnesses such as cancer, those who are about to have serious surgery, those who are elderly and have become weakened through illness may be anointed upon request. Please call the parish office at 703-281-9100 to request the Sacrament.

Everyone has a vocation. To read more about religious vocations and other ways in which God might be calling you please visit:

Need Help?

Mass Intentions

Please call 703-281-9100 or come to the Parish Office during business hours to arrange for a Mass Intention.

Funeral Planning

To schedule a funeral, please contact the Parish Office at 703-281-9100.

For information on the ST. MARK Memorial Garden, please contact Crystal Sheehan at 703-281-9100.

Prayer Request Form

There are many ways we can pray for your intention. Please ensure you have consent from the individual or their closest family member before submitting. A staff member may contact you to confirm details.

Sacramental Certificate Request / Sponsor Eligibility Letter

Please fill out the form below to make your request. A staff member will contact you to complete your request.