ST. MARK follows Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) for weather-related closings, delays, and early dismissals. Please watch the news, check the FCPS website, or listen to the radio for updates when inclement weather threatens. Even if your child is not an FCPS student, you can click here to subscribe to updates on school closings/delays/early dismissals. Note that FCPS no longer has virtual learning days when school is closed due to inclement weather.
When FCPS does make an announcement, please pay attention to what day(s) (and times, in some cases) the announcement applies to, and whether the physical school buildings are closed (no activities happening in school/on school grounds) due to inclement weather conditions. This will mean that our physical building will be closed for that particular time period, and parish activities are therefore cancelled. This applies to both Sunday and Monday RE classes as well as RE, Youth Ministry, CYO, Scouts, and other parish events – not liturgies.